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1. Clean the driver mounting flange on the discharge head and remove any burrs or nicks on the register and mounting face. Oil lightly.
2. Remove the driver clutch.
3. Clean the driver mounting flange and remove any burrs or nicks on the register and mounting flange. Oil lightly.
4. Some electric motors are supplied with a lower guide bushing installed at the bottom of the motor to stabilize the shaft at this point (also called a steady bushing). Some motor manufacturers mount this guide bushing before shipping while others will ship the guide bushing separately with instructions for field mounting. If applicable, mount the guide bushing to the motor (refer Figure 5-3).
5. Raise and center the driver over the pump.
6. Lower carefully until about 1/4 above mounting flange.
7. Rotate the driver until the junction box on the motor or the input shaft on the gear drive is in correct position.
8. Align bolt holes and insert bolts.
9. Lower carefully into place ensuring that the driver and pump registers mate correctly.
10. Tighten the mounting bolts.
11. Refer to the driver manufacturer’s instruction manual for specific product requirements regarding installation and start-up procedures.
12. Prior to installation of headshaft, check electric drivers for rotation. Establish electrical connections and jog the motor briefly to check the rotation. Driver must rotate in counter clockwise direction when viewed from the top end of the motor.
To change the direction of rotation on a three phase motor, interchange any two line leads.
13. Install the mechanical seal at this time, if the pump is so equipped and the mechanical seal was
shipped uninstalled.
14. Clean all the shaft threads (on top shaft and both ends of headshaft). Try the lineshaft coupling and headshaft nut on their respective threads. These must thread on by hand. If not, clean up the threads with a fine three cornered file. Check the ends of the shaft where they butt inside the lineshaft coupling. Ends must be square and clean. Fit the gib key to both motor clutch and headshaft. The key must slide smoothly in both keyways(refer Figure 5-4).
15. Lubricate the top shaft threads and thread (left hand threads) the lineshaft coupling half way onto the top shaft.
16. Lubricate the headshaft threads and lower the headshaft carefully down through the driver, and thread into the lineshaft coupling. Shafts must butt against each other.
NOTICE:Headshaft must stand centered (long shafts may lean slightly from own weight; however,
they can be centered without effort) in the driver hollow shaft. If not, check the driver mounting flange for improper mounting and re-clean the shaft ends coupled inside the discharge head.
17. Install the clutch on the driver and ensure that it fits down properly.
18. Install pre-fitted gib key in the clutch and the shaft.
19. Thread adjusting the nut down (right hand threads) on the shaft until it bears against the clutch.
20. Adjust mechanical seal after adjusting impellers.
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